Első Magyarországi Online Fogászati Egyesület (EMOFE)
First Hungarian Online Dental Association (FHODA)


data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true"> During the 1950s new dental materials expanded treatment horizons, and the arrival of the highspeed air-turbine engine in 1957 revolutionized dental practice. Dental research, stimulated by the establishment of the National Institute of Dental Research in 1948, grew rapidly, and the publication of The Survey of Dentistry in 1961 led to improvements in education and practice. Stagnating dental schools were revitalized with the passage of the Health Professions Educational Assistance Act in 1963. This act authorized federal funds for construction and student aid. Later renewals in 1971 and 1976 included per capital funding to support the basic instructional program.

In the 15 years from 1963 to 1978, the addition of federal monies to state, local, and private sources spurred the reconstruction of the entire physical plant of dental education. New schools were built too; the 39 dental schools in 1930 had increased to 59 by 1980.

Dentistry, Dental Practice, and the Community



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